Assalamualaikum wr.wb.
Honorable judges and all audiences.
We are living in the century which is called as modern century. Everything can be done digitally. Fast, effective, and maximal. The process of changing time by time were influenced by some factors. For example the mindset of the people, environment, and others. This changing also happen in this country Indonesia. They way of thinking, they way of living with others are always improved. It is also influenced by some factor. Environment, foreigner, pressure from other country, and other.
But we have forgotten the most important factor which has contribute a lot of things in the process of changing in this country. That factor is ‘Islamic Boarding School’. Yes I know, we have 5 religions which are admitted by the government. But here I’m talking about Islamic Boarding School which has given some contribution neither for Moslem nor non Moslem.
My loving audiences,
There a lot of contribution that has been given by ‘Kyai’ or other person from Islamic Boarding School for this country. Start from Colonial, Independence, Reformation, until now. They sacrifice their knowledge, their blood, their knowledge to work together with citizen in the process of struggle. Do you know what is the pioneer of TNI ? BKR and TKR only ? No. You have to know that the pioneer of BKR and TKR are Hizbullah and Sabillilah. They are the soldier which are created by Moslem from Islamic Boarding School.
Beside, there are a lot of Hero which were coming from Islamic Boarding School. They are like Pangeran Diponegoro, Kyai Mojo, Sentot Prawiradirjo, Imam Bonjol, Teuku Umar, Cut Nyak Dien, and others. They are ‘Kyai’. They are ‘santri and santriwati’. But they sacrifice themselves just for their country. How could they do so ? Because our this is one of good value which is learnt in our religion, Islam.
Based on that background, I believe that Islamic Boarding School plays a big role in civilization. Civilization is like an environment. They are consist of people, their mindset, and their life style. Then Islamic Boarding School here prepare all of the students before they enter this society. The question is why must Islamic Boarding School ?
My brothers and sisters,
Through Islamic Boarding School, will learn everything which are needed to improve the quality of society. Here all student are taught :
1.      How to respect the older.
2.      Attitude with their friend, their senior, until attitude when they face their teacher.
3.      How to live independently and simple
4.      Accustomed to cooperate each others
5.      Taught about how to live in this life and how to prepare the live in the life ever.

Simply we can say that Islamic Boarding School has given it’s big support in creating a good person. Not only thinking about their live today but also hereafter. And this is what needed by our environment today to be a good society.
Means, we have to give big support for Islamic Boarding School. As like we bring some eggs in the basket. We have to hold it tightly because just take off your hand from the basket, the eggs will fall and destroyed. We have to support Islamic Boarding School as one of tools to prepare good generations.
Don’t care about it then just let your hand off, surely it will damage the society. That’s all from me. Wassalamualaikum wr.wb.
