Assalamualaikum wr.wb.
Honorable all the adjudicators and all of audiences
Today, we don’t need to face the people we want to meet. Just take our phone then call her or him. Today, we don’t need to write a single word to make a letter. Just go on your e-mail account then write it and few seconds it can be read by the receiver. Today we don’t need to go abroad when we want to meet actress overseas. Just go on your search engine, then choose youtube channel and enjoy your idol’s performances. Today, we don’t need a good camera if we want to take a picture. Just open your smartphone then choose camera’s button, and you can take the pictures. So simple, effective, and fast. That’s the characteristic of this era, digital era.
We may be happy with our smartphone. We may be relax with the easiness given to us. But don’t forget about the important one.  What is it ?
My brothers and sisters,
Those tools including smartphone, laptop, search engine and other tools are created by the west. Means all of the basic language are using International language. The important things here is understanding about the language, at least international language. Why must language ?
My friends,
It is so impossible for the girl to cook a ‘Bebek Rica-Rica’ if she doesn’t know the flavor, right ? It is same with us. We also can’t use all of the tools in digital era if we don’t know about the basic language that is used. Not only can’t use it, moreover we can be left by other. Do you know? Digital era is one the result from globalization. Means, digital era force all of the country which is included in globalization to compete each other. Competing doesn’t mean you will hit someone or beaten by others. Competing here means ability competition.
Even they create those tools, it doesn’t mean that they will be number one in everything. We also have chance to lose them. That’s why we have to learn the language. By understanding the language we will understand how to operate it. We will be able to learn it and we have chance to create a new founding later by learning what has been created before.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Language is important. Because this is the basic element of communication. While communication itself is the basic activity in our live. In this era, we all here have single chance to speak with the native. Specially us, young generation. So like it or not, we have to learn about the language. How to learn it ?

1.      Learn about the grammar and other basic elements of speaking English.
2.      Joining the course like what I did in my Boarding School, Nata English Club.
3.      The most important is ‘Practice’
You know my friends,
We are not living in the Hogwarth like Harry Potter did, which all could be happen as he wished. Just use our witch and we will be able to speak English. No it is not as simple as Hogwarth world.
We are living in the real life which everything needs our struggle. Means, if we want to speak English we have to learn it and practice it. More practice and you will be able to speak.
Please remember, language is important. Without knowing the language you won’t understand others. Without knowing the language you will make your country always be left behind by others. So learn the language and practice it.
That’s all from me. Wassalamualaikum wr.wb.
