Assalamualaiakum wr.wb.
Honorable judges and all audiences,
Do you ever see someone when they throw the rubbish out of the dustbin?
I ever and I was really annoyed with him. I still see it until now. Sometimes I remind who has thrown the rubbish outside the dustbin. Some of them know what is their false. But most of them didn’t realize anything. That are the reality today.
I sometimes really confuse with what their want and what they do. For example if you want to get 1st rank, what will you do ? Study hard right ? They want to have a clean environment around them, but they throw the rubbish everywhere. They themselves have denied their saying. Is it possible to have a beautiful environment when we still throw the rubbish everywhere, as like we want ? That’s impossible.
My friends,
Talking about rubbish in Indonesia, it is not a small problem. Because the number of rubbish in this country are really big. We can find those rubbish in every ‘TPA’ specially in the big city, then we will look a ‘Rubbish Mountain’ on it. But the underline is, it is not only happens in the big city. It also happen, even in the ‘Natural Places’, including village which are far from town, in the beach, in the forest, or even in the sea.
My brother and sister,
Have you known about our country’s achievement about rubbish in this world ? Don’t worry. I will tell you now. Based on the data of Jambeck on CNN 2015, Indonesia was on the second position for the country which has contributed 187,2 million ton of plastic rubbish into the sea. That’s amazing, right ? Yes, that is our achievement. Are we happy knowing it ? Should I laugh after telling it ?
My friends,
As young generation, I am really shy. I am surely disappointed. It was so poor knowing my country is one of the biggest contributor for rubbish in this world. Whereas our country has so many resources that can make it as the best country. Remember about the potential which we have, that’s why I believe we have to change our behavior. We, young generation have to change it.
The question is why must young generation ?
The answer because the next future is on our hand. Where our country will go, how our country will be, that are depend on us. Because we are who will conduct this country, replacing our parent and older. If we ourselves don’t realize yet about the importance of keeping our environment clean, it will be so dangerous for our children or our grandchild. Beside, we are young generation who have a lot of creativity and strength which are can be used to influence other people to care with environment.
I’m standing here will give some simple tips to care with our environment :
1.      Realizing that environment will influence our live. Example, when we let our environment dirty it will create many diseases which also will spread to us.
2.      Don’t ever throw the rubbish everywhere you want.
3.      Be brave to remind other and advise them about the importance of throwing the rubbish in the dustbin.
4.      Cooperate with older people to supervise society, at least around us.
5.      Be more creative to recycle the rubbish being a valuable goods.
My brothers and sisters,
We can’t deny that throwing the rubbish everywhere we want has become our behavior. But like it or not, we have to change ourselves. Because what we do now it will influence our children in the future.
Little example before closing, if you explore all of the water today, 7 years later it will be guaranteed that our children will face a long dry season. If you don’t care about  your environment, just let it dirty or you yourselves make it dirty, so definitely your children will get a lot of diseases from the rubbish you threw.
As a moslem, we have to keep our environment clean. Because our religion command it.
Means, like it or not, agree or not, we have to fight in keeping our environment clean.
That’s all from me. Thank you.
Wassalamualaikum wr.wb.
