Assalamualaikum wr.wb.
“Give me 1000 eldest, then I will take off Semeru. But just give me 10 youth, surely I will shake the world.” Our big father Soekarno, said.
Ladies and gentlemen, Youth are important, youth are investment, further more youth will establish our nation in the future. In this wonderful chance, I would like to give speech under the title How To Optimize Youth Entrepreneur For Golden Indonesia.
Mr. and Mrs. Speaker, Talking about entrepreneur will always be connected with Economic. Remembering about our goal to be Golden Indonesia, we have to know that the parameters of being a modern country are how good the education, how good the economic, and how good the prosperity. Shortly, Economic is one of crucial thing that should be thought seriously to reach our dream.
Looking at the status quo right now about economic, becoming a modern country is just a dream for us . But I believe, we can do that. We can reach our dream by strengthening the economic power. How to strengthen it ? Yes. By improving the number of entrepreneur.
Entrepreneur will decrease the number of unemployment. Beside, they will also gain country’s finance by increasing GDP. Furthermore, they will help government in improving the prosperity. Means, we need a lot of potential entrepreneur when we want to gain our economic power. As the data from, in 2015 Indonesia just have 1,65% of entrepreneur. We really left behind with our friend, Malaysia which is 5%.  Surely, we have to increase the number of entrepreneur however it is. We are not talking about a huge company. But start from the little one, including youth entrepreneur.
My lovely audiences, Again and again why must youth ? Why must youth entrepreneur ?
First, lets talk about the nature of youth. They still have a lot of curiousness. They tend to try everything. They enjoy in receiving risk from what they do. They love challenge. This habitual are really connected with being an entrepreneur. Simply, entrepreneur should be replaced by youth. Because entrepreneurship needs a person that doing while thinking. Not always thinking without doing, or even doing without thinking. The world of entrepreneurship is always be ‘high risk, high return’. Who are able to do that ? The one and only, The Youth.
Brothers and sisters, How to optimize the youth entrepreneur to get Golden Indonesia ?
In the principal, National Economic is supported by three pillars. They are Government, Private/entrepreneur, and society. We want to optimize our youth as entrepreneur, we have to optimize those pillars first based on their job. Start from Government as regulator. To optimize the existence of youth,
·         They should not complicate the process of having a support to build an industry.
·         They better to enlarge the process of entrepreneurship and also controlling all around Indonesia. Not only in the city.
·         Facilitate the youth in building their effort.
·         Maximize the number of youth in improving economic in the indigenous.
·         Control and protect their product.
·         Enlarge, help, and ease the youth to get International connection
For the youth itself, they should realize that their part, their existence, their brain, creativity, are really needed in improving our economic. So they have to realize that they must be spirit and strong always.
While for society as the consumer, they try to appreciate what our youth has been created. Always give support and educated critical to them. Beside, they also have to control the process of leading the youth by the government. Finally, the three pillars can do what their duty about.
My loving audiences, We should appreciate the existence of youth, then maximize it to receive the goal as golden Indonesia. As like a gun, without appropriate bullet will never get the main goal. Country without appropriate gun, main goal as golden Indonesia is nothing. Who are they ? Yes. Youth. That’s all from me. Thank you. Wassalamualaikum wr.wb.
