Contoh Speech Era Digital Dengan Budaya Indonesia


Assalamualaikum wr.wb.
Good morning, honorable adjudicators and all audiences.
Super Junior, SNSD, Justin Bieber, One Direction, my friends love them. Me too. Because we know them. We are attracted by those things because we are accustomed to watch and enjoy it through sophisticated tool which spread by the bigger cities in the process of globalization. When you entering a bus now day, it will be so different. Because all of people prefer being silent to talking with others. Why? Because they hold their own smart phone and too busy with it. Are they Indonesian culture ?
Brothers and sisters, long time ago, we should write a letter if we want to communicate with our friends even he or she is in the next town. But now, should we write a letter ? Yes still. But just if you want to say something special to the special one. But we don’t need to write it again just for telling our condition. Just get your phone, select the number, press the call button, then you can talk with your friend.
How could be so simple ? That’s the result of digital era.
My friends, what is digital era ?
Digital era is the time when all of the things can be done simply, fast, and effective by using all of the tools which is given and created by the onward countries. What are the tools ? Do you know ? Phone, laptop, internet, are the example of it. Through phone you can communicate with your friends. Through internet my friends and I could watch about K-Pop, One Direction, and other which is loved by youth now day. Even, you can use internet to communicate with your friend in overseas by sending an electronic letter which is called as email.
Whereas Indonesia is developed country but I believed Indonesia is the candidate of the best country in this world. How could I said so ? We have a lot people here. Based on the data from BPS on 2015, there are 62,4 million youth in this country from 225 million. This is fantastic number which is called as demography gift. Beside, this country has a lot of natural resources from Sabang until Merauke. And, Indonesia is country which is loaded by a lot of culture. Traditional dance, traditional song, tribes, custom home. And most important, Indonesia has its own identity through Indonesian’s behavior which differs our citizen with other people abroad.
My loving audiences, we call it as Indonesia’s Heritage. Actually this is a good modal to make our country be the best in this world. But, in the process of digital era, slowly we replace our own culture, our heritage because we are complacent with are presented in this era. Whether through phone or everything which is showed in the internet.
My friends, digital era has ruined our young generation and our citizen. For example, some people prefer using phone to going home when they want to know the condition of their family. Even they say it is more effective, but indirectly it has cleared up the culture of greeting each other. Through internet, young generation has been addicted by watching other culture from other country. They know about west culture, k-pop and others. Yes, we have to know other’s culture, but we may not forget our own culture. And we don’t realize it yet. If we lose all of our heritage, what will we have ?
As young generation, we have a big duty to make other people will not forget about their heritage. I have some simple tips for you.
1.       Try to use Internet as the tool to search everything about Indonesia’s culture. Try to show up your culture to the world by using your blog, facebook account, twitter, or instagram.
2.       You may open your mind to learn about other country, but you may not forget about your country, your own culture.
3.       Try to always love your country and be proud of it. I know it will be. Because Indonesia has something special inside which will make other love it.
Young generation is like a baby. They can’t stand on their own foot. But they need 2 person to hold their hand. We also can’t do it by ourselves. But we need big support from parent and government to restrain the process of destroying our nation.
My friends, digital era is like a flood. Even we are in the middle of that flood, but we may not let ourselves to be flooded. Because we will die. Here, we are the part of digital era. But don’t only focus on following the flow. We must always remember about our house, Indonesia and use digital era as the tool to promote who and what is Indonesia.
Wassalamualaikum wr.wb.
